Cast members of Grey’s Anatomy, Martin, The Sopranos, and more are reuniting for the 75th Emmy Awards ceremony.
TV cast reunions are all the rage right now, thanks to shows like Frasier, Night Court, And Just Like That… and more. Audiences love nostalgia, and TV networks know people will tune in to see their favorite ensembles reunited. Luckily, for those who want to see their favorite TV cast reunited without the promise of a series revival, the 75th Emmy Awards plans to feature several TV cast reunions for this year’s celebration of excellence on the small screen.
Ellen Pompeo, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, James Pickens Jr., and Chandra Wilson of Grey’s Anatomy fame will present at the annual awards show, with more stars from beloved shows scheduled to appear.
Courtesy of Deadline, you can check out a list of who’s expected to be at the show below:
- Sopranos: Lorraine Bracco and Michael Imperioli (also nominated for Outstanding Supporting Actor, Drama Series)
- Martin: Martin Lawrence, Tisha Campbell, Carl Anthony Payne II and Tichina Arnold
- Ally McBeal: Calista Flockhart, Greg Germann, Peter MacNicol and Gil Bellows
- SNL Weekend Update: Tina Fey and Amy Poehler (also nominated for Outstanding Host, Reality or Competition Program)
- American Horror Story: Connie Britton and Dylan McDermott
- Grey’s Anatomy: Ellen Pompeo, Katherine Heigl, Justin Chambers, James Pickens Jr. and Chandra Wilson
In addition to the stars mentioned above, tributes to All in the Family, Cheers, and I Love Lucy will also be a part of the show.
Interestingly, Blink 182’s Travis Barker is expected to open the show while accompanied by host Anthony Anderson. This performance is in addition to a showcase featuring Charlie Puth with The War and Treaty during the ceremony’s “In Memoriam” tribute.
The 75th Emmy Awards are scheduled for January 15, 2024, at 8:00 p.m. EST.
Emmys, you had me at Tisha Campbell! I used to love watching Martin on Fox back in the day. Now, Do these reunions make you more interested in watching this year’s ceremony? Who could the Emmys bring back from TV retirement that would get your attention? Who are you hoping to see win at the 75th Emmy Awards? Let us know in the comments section below.
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